1940s Radio Stars
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Station Fund Raising Appeal
Please help us meet the £400 short fall in the ever increasing monthly cost of running The UK 1940s Radio Station. Although the station is supported by the radio stations appearances at events and third party advertising we still have a short fall every month to find of at least £400 a month. We really do hate asking for donations to support the station and understand that not everyone can afford to donate, indeed we would certainly not wish anybody to donate unless they could genuinely afford to do so.

Service Announcement

If you are Listening to The UK 1940s Radio Station by any other means other than from this website on mobile phones or tablets we strongly recommend you install the VLC Media Player on to your mobile phone or tablet. By doing so you will be listening via the most reliable method currently available.

Please check on your mobile device App Store for the VLC Player Download for your device.

Once you have installed VLC Player Click below to Play the station

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Our Other Stations

About the internets original 1940s Radio Station